This was at the very beginning of the project. Showing the Ambi team how I wanted to go about the digital painting
How it started…
Ambi reached out to me to talk about their interest in integrating their new product with my own artistic style. We later sat down and had a meeting on what their new product was about and what their brand identity was.
The goal was simple. They wanted me to use my art to promote their new skincare product that uses ingredients from sweet potato with huge skin benefits. We wanted to make it have a ‘street-art’ aesthetic but have the picture have the ability to clearly represent what it’s promoting; the skincare bottles.
They wanted this process to be done through digital software so they can have a 30-second mp4 export showing the process of the digital painting from beginning to end.
This was one of the final rough drafts that I came with.
One of the main challenges we ran in was that initially, we were out of sync. We couldn’t exactly agree on what aspects should be apart of the painting or not. They wanted the main point of the piece to be about the product and felt like the elements in the background (although on topic) was a little to ambiguous for what their brand is about.
Reference material for piece down below
The project was a total success. Not only was the Ambi skincare board extremely satisfied with the finished results of the piece, but there was an overwhelmingly positive response from the audience as well. I was effectively able to satisfy the board as well as show the product, the demographic the product is for, and have it all be a fun piece to view at the same time.